Need recipes for healthy Halloween treats? Read on to get your hands on some of the best.
Yes, Halloween is the official chance for hogging on treats during trick-o-treating, but... sweets, candy, and sugar... that's all there is to eat really. That overloading of sugar has got to be bad.
And you'd like to add that extra bit to the party you're throwing using the recipes which aren't all sugar but make for healthy Halloween treats instead, right? And if that's what you're looking for, then here are some of the easiest healthy Halloween snacks will give you what you need. Go get a piece of paper and write these easy Halloween treats down.
Healthy Snacks
The deal with Halloween is that the dishes have to carry through the theme of Halloween. The treats have to look all spooky, but taste awesome. That's what we're aiming for then. Get your kids to help you out with these appetizers and have more fun with the cooking process.
Apple Mouth
Orange Juice
Cranberry juice
Cut a quarter off the apple to make it resemble an opened mouth.
Cut out the extra pulp from the depression.
Take the almonds and break them into pieces, making them resemble teeth.
You could even use soaked almonds for the same. In fact, that is easier to use.
Now, fit the almond pieces into the mouth and press them into the apple pulp so that they stick. This will make it look like a mouth.
If you're not using the dish right away, brush it with orange juice and it won't brown over.
To give it an even more spooky effect, dribble some cranberry juice from the sides of the mouth to make it look like blood.
Eyeballs on Plate
Apples (Dry, 1 each eye)
Raisins (½/eye)
Dried apricots (½/eye)
Cut the dry apples into round discs. These will double up as the eyes.
Flatten them further with a rolling pin if you feel the need to.
Slice a dry apricot and cut it into a round shape. This has to be put onto the apple disc in the center.
Get raisins and cut into half. Press one half onto the apricot. This will act as the eye ball.
Carefully arrange on a plate and garnish with sauce for the bloody effect.
Healthy Dishes
Here are some Halloween recipes for kids and adults that are a little more filling.
Scary Sandwich Bites
White bread
Chicken breast (2, roasted)
Mayonnaise (3 tbs.)
Cream cheese (¼ cup)
Cut bread slices into popular Halloween shapes like bats, spiders, pumpkins, and witch hats. Use a cutter for this.
Slice the chicken into small shreds and put into a blender.
Add mayonnaise and cream cheese to the chicken and blend till it is made into a paste.
Now, take the mixture out and spread on the bread shapes that had been cut.
Cover with the second slice.
Grill it and serve hot.
Cockroach Chips
Chocolate chips (12 ounces)
Raisins (1 cup)
Pretzel sticks (2 cups, thin)
Grated chocolate (1 tsp.)
Microwave the chocolate on a very high mode for 2 minutes and stir well.
After that, continue microwaving the chocolate for 15 seconds at a time until it has almost completely melted.
Add the grated chocolate into the melted bowl of chocolate.
Add the raisins and pretzels and stir well.
Take a big spoon and drop about a spoonful of this mixture onto a waxed paper.
Let it firm up before serving.
Make as many clusters as you need.
And with these ideas, who's stopping you from having a fun and healthy Halloween? No one. Not one.