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Fun Holiday Party Ideas

Medha Godbole
Run out of holiday party ideas? Is that the reason why it is ruining your holiday? No problem! Just have a look and you might get some life savior party ideas to use on a holiday.
It is time for a holiday! It is a time to unwind and have a much-needed sabbatical from the hectic schedule. It definitely calls for a party, right? We mean no holiday is replete sans a rollicking party. Who said company holiday parties are not rocking? It all depends on how you go about it. Here we summon our party planners and present you some party ideas.

Work Holiday Party Ideas

Come One Come All

Invitations matter a lot and you have to think very carefully about how are you going to invite people. Invitations need to be 'innovitations', that is invitations which are innovative. A good invitation is half the battle won. To make it catchy, stick to the theme.
If you are going to have a barbecue, as the high point of the party, have a stick covered with invitation in the shape of a barbecue. Such holiday party invitations will definitely make the invitees interested.

'Where' is the Party Tonight?

Decide on the venue. For infusing a sense of camaraderie, have a meeting and take inputs and party ideas from them. Most importantly, when it comes to the venue, make it miles away from the monotonous office ambiance.
Look out for a bar or a campsite and freak out! If it is something like a campsite, your venue will be your theme! Business and company holiday parties are all about the venue and the décor!

Theme Scheme

To make the affair more interesting, holiday party themes are a good option. Have something like Hollywood or Snow or something equally whacky. It will reflect on the costume as well as food.
You can even have music as a theme; if you know that people are interested in music. The decor and ambiance in an indoor set up will all be as per the theme. If you do not have a theme, well, no problem, borrow the necessary crockery and glassware and stuff (if there isn't enough) either by borrowing or buying them online at competitive rates.

What is your Poison?

Prep up the party mood by preparing a few cocktails yourself. That will add a different touch to the party. Flaunt your bartending skills and impress your colleagues!
Prepare a portion of the cocktail sometime prior to the party, so that you have to give only final touches to the drink as the party mood creeps in.

Fun, Frolic and Music

Well, mingle with everyone, enjoy, but have something special in your kitty to entertain guests. Sing yourself or find out who sings well or just wants to sing, and pitch in! If not that, play unobtrusive music in the background. All in all totally let your hair down!
Music has to be there, all along, Mr. Host! You can also prod someone to mimic an actor or a colleague! Can be hilarious and total fun! This is a must when it comes to holiday party ideas!
Apart from these things, have snacks which are generally liked by everyone and serve them well before the main course! Dim lights and soft music create that perfect atmosphere.
If you want to indicate the party coming to a close, just turn on the lights full blast! But while you bid adieu to the guests, make sure you have party favors ready to give them while they go. It is ideal if you do that. Not that anyone will sue you for not having party favors! It is considered as good etiquette.
Finally, do not forget to take care of yourself and look good all the while! The host should be perfectly dressed for the occasion. Thus, jazz your dress up. Your dressing will have a profound impression, mind you!
If you cannot see yourself doing and managing any of the things mentioned here, (except dressing of course!) one of the best ideas is to go to a party planner for party planning. So now, you are all set for a rocking party that can also help you get great results from your employee, it was not that tough a job, right!