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Thanksgiving Activities for Kids

Dhanya Joy
These Thanksgiving activities for kids will enable you to keep them busy and have some fun while you perform your festive preparations.
Thanksgiving is a time for bonding and family reunions, especially for kids who look forward to having a good time. To make it even more special, you will need to arrange for some unique and fun activities, recipes, and gifts.
Keeping children engaged when you need to rush through your festive preparations, can be a little tough, unless you plan it out in advance. You can engage them in making different decorations or even cooking delicious snacks and dishes. So, here are some ideas for your kids.

Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids

A session of craft-making is the best way to keep children busy in a productive way, and also gives them an opportunity to display their creativity. Here are some ideas that kids of all ages can use, to make thanksgiving decorations.

Thanksgiving Wreath

Material Required
  • Plain white paper plate
  • Construction paper (orange, red, yellow, brown, and other earth tones)
  • Crayons and markers
  • Pair of scissors
  • Glue
Fold the paper plate in half and cut out a semicircle from the center of the fold. Now, unfold the plate. Use the construction paper to cut out leaves and flowers, of different shapes and sizes. Then, glue the leaves and flowers randomly to the rim of the paper plate. Stick as much as necessary, and avoid cluttering.
Glue the flowers towards the center and the leaves towards the outer rim. You can ask all the children who come over, to sign one leaf each of the wreath and write down what they are thankful for.

Thanksgiving Table Centerpiece

Material Required
  • Shallow plastic butter bowl
  • Packet of glitter
  • Handful of popcorn kernels
  • Handful of dried baby peas
  • Handful of dried navy beans
  • 1 ounce (or a little lesser) of Elmer's glue
  • 1 golden taper candle
Add the beans, popcorn, glitter, and peas to the butter bowl. Then, add the Elmer's glue to the mixture. Let it sit for around 2 minutes, before pushing the candle into the center of the mixture. Let it remain like this for a day. Push the mixture from beneath the butter bowl, so that it pops out. The centerpiece is ready.

Other Thanksgiving Activities

You can teach them poems or songs based on thanksgiving. Crafts like making a fancy cornucopia, a fingerprint turkey, or a finger puppet can also be taught. Play games such as finding words related to Thanksgiving; whoever finds the maximum number of correct words, wins a prize. Make them prepare season-appropriate sweatshirts, or write down prayers.