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Worst Christmas Gifts

Mukta Gaikwad
Christmas is the time to give gifts and receive them. But what if these were the worst Christmas gifts ever? Well, only one way to find out!
For those of you who think, that Christmas is all about spending money on buying gifts and receiving them, well...you are right. However, if you are also of a contradictory thought, like presenting someone with the worst Christmas gifts ever, then you are right too. Maybe George Michael, can try this too, since someone broke his heart 'Last Christmas'.
Anyway, there is no particular reason why one must give someone bad gifts, but nonetheless, these gifts will surely create quakes of laughter. And, isn't the whole idea of gifting to make someone feel good.
So, if a cheap gift can make a person laugh, then why not? Here's a plethora of strange gift ideas just for you. Treasure them, because you are definitely not trashing such a trove of fun!

Christmas Gifts You Should Avoid Buying

If you have a really fat friend (no offense meant), this is the best and the meanest Christmas gift. The gift is good, but the occasion definitely does not demand such a gift. Get a CD of an exercise video, wrap it up really well. It'll be fun to see your friend unwrap this gift in front of a 'pounce-on-humor' audience.
A stapler is so not a gift you expect on Christmas! It may not be the worst, but it's definitely not the best Christmas gift.
Send your ex-girlfriend a tube of hair-removing cream, that too in a decorative gift basket. Doesn't make any sense? That's the point!
If you are newly married, you have a list of useless, worthless gadgets, that you won't be using ever. Donate! Donate! Donate! Give them away, to friends and relatives (who never mattered), on this grand occasion of your first Christmas together. And who cares? At least you got rid of the junk in the house.
Trying to quit alcohol? Don't know what do with the bottles in the house? It's simple, just give them to a person who doesn't drink. This way the alcohol is saved for a rainy day!
Why don't you just give your daughter-in-law two pounds of frozen beef. Maybe she'll know what to do with it, since you couldn't figure it out for a month! Oh! And please make sure it's wrapped in a ribbon.
Gift somebody a 9 volt tube with a year's warranty. It maybe a bizarre gift, but it's useful, you know!
A prospect of winning lottery money is always good. But what's the use when the lottery tickets are out of state. Yeah.. just give them away.
If you are a real narcissist, frame a picture of yourself and gift it to friends and family. We have no clue, how will it be appreciated though...
Reindeer boxer shorts are the cutest gift, and you've got to agree to that. But where is he going to wear them, to office? At home? At an outing? Nope. Then, hell yeah, all the more a reason to gift them.
The whole point is to make the gifts seem ridiculously hilarious. However, we hope you take this humor in a good sense, laugh it off, and leave it there. Merry Christmas!